Date and Time: April 17th 6-7:30pm
Chairperson(s): Emily Walker, OT, Allyson Lewis, OT, & Rosa Colorado, OT
Location: Zoom - to be sent out day before the event
Title: Collaborative Connection: A Model of Mentorship for Occupational Therapy Practitioners Practicing in Behavioral and Mental Health Settings
Learning Objectives:
1. Discuss the collaborative process utilized to support a successful virtual state-wide mentorship program for occupational therapy practitioners practicing in behavioral and mental health settings.
2. Discuss successful individual and group mentorship experiences as well as current needs for mentorship and support.
3. Apply one of the “collaborative connection” strategies within the MH SIG meeting.
Mary Beth Kadlec, OT, ScD, OTR is an Assistant Professor in the Department Occupational Therapy, MGH Institute for Health Professions (IHP) providing clinical training experiences and conducting research with occupational therapy doctoral students. Dr. Kadlec developed Mentorship Circles and supports for Occupational Therapy Practitioners who provide behavioral health and mental health services for individuals, families and communities across the lifespan. She developed an interprofessional training and practice experience called the SENCE (Supporting and Empowering Neurodiverse Children Everyday) Program, along with Sarah Friel, Assistant Professor, IHP Department of Communication Sciences & Disorders.
Dr. Kadlec is also currently a Team Leader on the ECHO Autism Project through the Eunice Kennedy Shriver Center, UMass Chan Medical School, Worcester, MA, a state-funded training for the Massachusetts Youth Mobile Crisis Intervention (MCI) Teams on developing supports and access to services for youth with autism and intellectual disabilities and their families.
1. Chan, C. D., Hammer, T. R., Richardson, L., & Hughes, C. L. (2022). Through the relational looking glass: Applications of relational–cultural theory to career development and mental health. Journal of Employment Counseling, 59(4), 168–178.
2. Richert, J., & Walker, L. (2022). Mentoring in a busy world. American Occupational Therapy Association.
3. King, G., Tam, C., Fay, L., Pilkington, M., Servais, M., & Petrosian, H. (2011). Evaluation of an occupational therapy mentorship program: Effects on therapists’ skills and family-centered behavior. Physical & Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics, 31(3), 245–262.
This event will be closed day before event. Please register by April 16, 2024.
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