DATE: Thursday March 21, 2024
TIME: 6-7:30pm
CHAIRPERSONS (s): Allyson Lewis, OT, OTR, Rosa Colorado, OT, OTR, Emily Walker, OT, OTR,
LOCATION: Zoom – the link will be sent out day before the event (thru MAOT)
REMINDER you must sign up/register thru MAOT no later than the morning of Wednesday March 20th
TOPIC: Music Therapy and Occupational Therapy, how to collaborate in a Mental Health Setting
Learning Objectives:
- Increased awareness of the scope of practice a Music Therapist (MT) can provide in a mental health setting and how MT's scope of practice supports that of OT's.
- Increased awareness of how both these disciplines contribute to treatment team planning and trauma informed care.
- Increased awareness of how to create a supportive professional relationship between these 2 disciplines.
- Exposure to a multi-modal approach and collaboration between music therapy and occupational therapy.
Nikki Beatrice, OT, OTD, OTR
Nikki Beatrice works as an Occupational Therapist at Tufts Medical Center as the Manager of Behavioral Health OT and Mental Health Specialists. She graduated with her Post-Professional OT Doctorate in May 2023 from the MGH IHP. Nikki has worked in a variety of settings, specializing in trauma informed care, and behavioral health care, and has been featured on WCVB Channel 5 news for the work she has done assisting patients undergoing a mental health crisis during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Channing Shippen MA-MT-BC
is the Coordinator of Clinical Placements at Belmont University, and previous Director of Music therapy at Tufts Medical Center and Tufts Childrens Hospital in Boston MA. At TMC Channing worked primarily with adolescents and adults in acute mental health distress, however she additionally worked over seeing services on the PICU, NICU, and Hematology/Oncology clinics. An alumni of Berklee College of Music, she is currently pursuing her PhD in Music Therapy at Temple University.
Focus- In this presentation the allied partnership between Occupational Therapists and Music Therapists working in a mental health setting will be explored, and the way in which MH patients can benefit from an integrative and multi-modal approach will be examined
1. Butler, L. D., Critelli, F. M., & Rinfrette, E. S. (2011). Trauma-informed care and mental health. Directions in Psychiatry, 31(3), 197-212.
2. Kavanaugh, K. (2022, April 14). 25 Investigates: Staffing shortages leave much-needed mental health beds empty. Boston 25 News. Retrieved April 14, 2022, from https://www.boston25news.com/news/local/25-investigates-staffing-shortages-leave- much-needed-mental-health-beds-empty/OCFA3LGSHZENJPAKFYQDATA75Q/
3. Singh, S., Roy, M. D., Sinha, C. P. T. M. K., Parveen, C. P. T. M. S., Sharma, C. P. T. G., & Joshi, C. P. T. G. (2020). Impact of COVID-19 and lockdown on mental health of children and adolescents: A narrative review with recommendations. Psychiatry Research, 113429.