Date and Time:
Thursday Sept 28 th 6-7:30pm
Emily Walker, OT, OTR, Allyson Lewis, OT, OTR, Rosa Colorado, OT, OTR
Location: Zoom - to be sent out day before the event
Topic: Mental Health SIG Practice Chat
Learning Objectives:
Participants will:
1. Discuss current treatment/clinical needs in occupational therapy practice among professional colleagues and community.
2. Receive and provide clinical support around specific treatment/clinical needs in a supportive, virtual environment.
3. Identify and share resources related to mental health occupational therapy practice
Join the MH-SIG for an open discussion about mental health practice with your OT colleagues!
If you have clinical questions, are interested in mental health, want to build a community with professionals, or whatever else – this group is for you! We’re excited to be gathering more informally to connect and collaborate as an OT community. Consider inviting a colleague or friend to this mental health practice chat!
Meeting will include introductions, announcements, networking, and open discussion.
Facilitators will prepare some guiding questions, however, the format is flexible to the needs of the community and attendees.
This event will be closed day before event. Please register by September 27, 2023.
Please keep this copy for your own records and keep with your certificate. MAOT is not responsible for maintaining records for contact hours.