School, Pediatric, and Transition Planning Special Interest Group Virtual Meeting
Date & Time: February 28, 2023 6:30PM-7:30PM
Zoom Link: Will be created by Lisa Salemi, MAOT Administrative Manager - will be sent day before and day of event.
Questions: Contact:
Dr. Tee Stock, OT, OTD, MSOT, MBA, OTR @ drteestockot@gmail.com or Dr. Susan Krikorian, OT, OTD, OTR @ sukiginger17@gmail.com
Topic: Discussion of Autism Level UP!® resources
Learning Objectives:
● Participants will review resources available from Autism Level UP!®.
● Participants will discuss ideas for how Autism Level UP!® could fit their current practice and leave with ideas from presenters and other participants.
● Participants will discuss future topics and ideas for SIG meetings as time permits.
Cost: Free for MAOT members. Non-members $10.00. $5.00 for students and practitioners from other state associations.
Bios for presenters:
Amy Laurent has her PhD, is an occupational therapist, co-author of the SCERTS model (a developmental framework for supporting Autistic people), and the co-founder of Autism Level UP!®. Amy enjoys supporting Autistic individuals and their partners, co-conspiring as an ally to Autistic people and creative design of useful and accessible tools and supports. Amy has many sensory needs that she meets through running, yoga, dance, paddle boarding and even resistance training as prescribed by her trainer, Jac.
JÂcqûelyn Fede (Jac) is a super fun, super goofy and SUPER DUPER nerdy Autistic Advocate and the co-founder of Autism Level UP!®. Jac enjoys supporting Autistic individuals and their partners as well as program evaluation, data and statistics, and App and web development. Jac is a physical activity junky and continues to meet its intense sensory needs by seeking high impact and highly resistant movements. (Also a PhD, but if you need this to be interesting, you need to reflect on your priorities).
Laurent, A. & Fede, J. (2021). Clinical Focus Leveling Up Regulatory Support Through Community Collaboration. Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups • Vol. 6 • 288–305 • April 2021
Laurent, A. C., & Fede, J. (2019a). The Energy Meter. Autism Level UP. http://autismlevelup.com/the-energy-meter/
Laurent, A. C., & Fede, J. (2019b). My Energy. Autism Level UP. http://autismlevelup.com/my-energy/
Laurent, A. C., & Fede, J. (2019c). The Regulator 2.0. Autism Level UP. http://autismlevelup.com/the-regulator-2.0/
Laurent, A. C., Fede, J. H., Carley, M. J., Katz, N., Gassner, D., Menzel, P., Quinn, P., & Shore, S. M. (2019, February). Compliance is not the goal: Letting go of control and rethinking support for autistic individuals [Video]. TEDxURI. https://www. ted.com/talks/amy_laurent_compliance_is_not_the_goal_letting_ go_of_control_and_rethinking_support_for_autistic_individuals