Virtual Mentoring for New OTPs and OT/OTA students
Dates: Virtual every other month, 3rd Tuesday at 7 pm. (March, May, July, September, Nov, Jan)
Topic: Sleep and Self care
Speakers: Erica Patusco, OTD
Time: May 17th at 7 pm (EST) 1 hour
Cost: Free to MAOT members. Non-members $10.00 each, $5.00 for students. MAOT membership forms will be available at the meeting, or can be downloaded from this website.
$5.00 for practitioners from other state associations
SIG Membership: This is a SIG open to all members either those looking to mentor and/or new OTPs and students. The goal of this SIG will be to support new graduates as they transition to practice from a student role and to offer topics such as documentation management strategies, how to find evidence and evaluations to support practice, CEUS exploration/skill development academics/fieldwork, ethics in the workplace, how to manage your time, guest presenters of varied specialty/areas of interest in practice, and other topics as requested by membership.
Objectives: (May 17th)
Importance of sleep
Strategies to improve sleep habits
Importance of Self care as a clinician and student
Stress management, time management, support systems
Special Interest Groups
Massachusetts Association for Occupational Therapy, Inc. (MAOT)P.O. Box 850543 Braintree, MA 02185 Email:
*MAOT no longer has a phone number - please email us at the address above*