Virtual Mentoring for New OTPs and OT/OTA students
Dates: Virtual every other month, 3rd Tuesday at 7 pm. (March, May, July, September, Nov, Jan)
Topic: Successful Interviewing!
Speakers: Sydney Dubchy, OTS, Deb James OT, OTR, OTD
Time: March 15th at 7 pm (EST)
Cost: Free to MAOT members. Non-members $10.00 each, $5.00 for students. MAOT membership forms will be available at the meeting, or can be downloaded from this website.
$5.00 for practitioners from other state associations
SIG Membership: This is a SIG open to all members either those looking to mentor and/or new OTPs and students. The goal of this SIG will be to support new graduates as they transition to practice from a student role and to offer topics such as documentation management strategies, how to find evidence and evaluations to support practice, CEUS exploration/skill development academics/fieldwork, ethics in the workplace, how to manage your time, guest presenters of varied specialty/areas of interest in practice, and other topics as requested by membership.
Objectives: (March 15th 7-8:30 pm)
Review current literature on best interview practices
Understand proper interview etiquette and professionalism
Practice questions in preparation for future interviews
Identify resources to practice interviewing skills
ZOOM Link will be sent prior to the event.
Special Interest Groups
Massachusetts Association for Occupational Therapy, Inc. (MAOT)P.O. Box 850543 Braintree, MA 02185 Email:
*MAOT no longer has a phone number - please email us at the address above*