Mental Health Special Interest Group
Professional Development /
Continuing Education contact hours will be awarded
FOCUS: Mental Health
DATE: Thursday January 20, 2022
TIME: 6:00-7:00 pm
ZOOM Meeting Link will be sent prior to the event
SIG CO-CHAIRS: Allyson Lewis and Rosa Colorado
Topic: “Co-regulation, Therapeutic Boundaries, and Trauma-Informed Care" with presentation by Estie Martin, OT
Learning Objectives:
Meeting includes Introductions, PowerPoint Presentation, Discussion and Announcements
Meeting is Free to MAOT members. Non-members $10.00, Students $5.00
Membership forms can be downloaded from the MAOT website.
Special Interest Groups
Massachusetts Association for Occupational Therapy, Inc. (MAOT)P.O. Box 850543 Braintree, MA 02185 Email:
*MAOT no longer has a phone number - please email us at the address above*